Supporting fisheries sector and securing the best deal post Brexit

David continues to seek assurances from Government that we WILL take back full control of our waters from the end of 2020.

Leaving the CFP provides a huge opportunity for our fishermen, meaning more quality raw product for our seafood processing industry. For this sector to grow and expand, David continues to work with ministers to ensure global markets are found and labour can be accessed as required.


Buchan Observer 5 February 2019

The SNP’s ruinous taxation policies have hit businesses hard in the North East, something that has been underlined by the recent briefing by Seafish.

Prime Minister stands strong on fishing

The Prime Minister has confirmed she will stand strong in support for the British fishing industry in the future negotiations with the EU.

PM confirms Macron scaremongering

David Duguid MP asked the PM if she would confirm President Macron’s comments on access to fisheries for trade as scaremongering from the EU and that the PM would remain steadfast in not allowing access to our fishing waters being negotiated away for a future free trade deal with the EU.

David exposes SNP calls for devloved Immigration policy

@theSNP call for a separate immigration policy is not shared by Scottish business and would see a hard border between Scotland and England
The Government is committed to consulting business on the Immigration Bill. I look forward to welcoming @carolinenokes to Banff and Buchan soon.

David Duguid 'relentless' in support for fishing industry

David Duguid today asked the Department for Exiting the EU if DEFRA and industry stakeholders would take the lead in annual negotiations for fisheries agreements with the EU after we leave the CFP and become an independent coastal state. 

David Duguid seeks DEFRA control of future Fisheries negotiations

I asked @michaelgove if he agrees with me that negotiations on UK/EU Fisheries Agreement would be best led by DEFRA officials.

Also important that Fishing Orgs such as @sff_uk and @NFFO_UK are actively involved in that agreement and the UK Fisheries Bill.
